FINAL WARNING on Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Leadership

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa [hereafter CCCM] – The ‘Mothership’ of the Calvary Chapel movement - once the fortress of solid biblical teaching – is in danger of finally going completely off the rails into contemplative mysticism. CCCM was taken over (under questionable circumstances) by Chuck Smith’s son-in-law Brian Brodersen in 2013, after Pastor Chuck’s passing. Under Brian’s leadership, the church has been increasingly involved in ecumenical and otherwise aberrant events and programs. Brian’s endorsement of many false teachers, and partnerships with aberrant churches is well documented.

After being exposed in Oct. 2016 for his criticisms of CC founder Chuck Smith, and his disdain for his teachings on prophecy and the end-times, etc. – (See: - Brian Split from the Calvary Chapel Association, took all the (global) properties (conference centers, Bible colleges, etc.) that were attached to Calvary Costa Mesa, and went and formed his own new group he calls the “Calvary Global Network” [CGN]. Also see:

And see:

The ecumenical and contemplative exploits of Brian Brodersen has been extensively documented here on this blog. Before coming on staff at CCCM, Brian was for many years, senior Pastor of CC Vista, CA. During those years he helped build the ecumenical outreach in the UK, known as the Creation Fest. From the beginning, this outreach ‘partnered’ with many aberrant churches, including the heretical Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton – home of the European ‘Laughing Revival’ .

The problems with the Creation Fest have also been extensively documented here on this blog. Using the search box on the blog page – a search for ‘Brian Brodersen’ renders the user access to the many articles on these things. See: See also:

In January 2021 – Brian’s son, Char (Charles) Brodersen came on staff at CCCM as an “Associate Pastor”. in January 2023 Brian made him “Co-Senior Pastor.” – indicating that he will take the reigns from Brian when he turns over the keys to the kingdom. Brian’s plan is outlined in a CCCM video posted Jan. 14th, 2023 - and was announced to the CCCM flock that day. In the video, Brian and his son Char explain their plan for CCCM leadership. The plan is for a two year period, where Char serves as co-lead pastor alongside Brian. Then, in Jan 2025, Char is to be given the full leadership. Then Brian and wife Cheryl will take a “sabbatical”, and then return to lead (together?) the “Calvary Global Network” that Brian created for himself when he split from the CCA in November 2016. [see]

Char was formerly the lead pastor of Refuge Christian Fellowship in Santa Rosa, CA. Refuge was not a Calvary affiliate, but a member of the ‘New Calvinist’ Gospel Coalition. To get the background on Char Brodersen, see my article: In addition to the documentation presented in my earlier (6/25/2018) article regarding Char and his affinity for Contemplative teachers and practices – His social media posts and ‘Likes‘ demonstrate a continued affinity for many false teachers.

In would not be an exaggeration to say that Char is a dyed-in-the-wool contemplative practitioner and teacher. BE WARNED that THIS is the man who is set to take over full control of Calvary Costa Mesa. Be advised to ‘MARK AND AVOID‘ Brian Brodersen, his son Char, and now, the church – CCCM itself.


While he was an Associate Pastor at Calvary Costa Mesa, Char was interviewed In the “Holy Habits” podcast of 11/23/2021- – Char describes how he “hit a wall” in his study of the bible. He says his theological books ”couldn’t feed the need of my soul”. So he says he “felt like” only by sitting in silence that then “The Lord met me in those moments”. And he says, “That’s how I discovered the disciple of silence and solitude.” Then, Char extols the virtues of this occult meditation. “Silence has a transformative power that words and other *experiences cannot teach us… a transformative power over our lives”.

In the podcast, @10:15 – Char says he felt he needed and found a teacher to teach him contemplative practices. Then he tells how he repeats a verse like “Be still and know that I am God” – He says: “I repeat this verse, close my eyes and CENTER MYSELF on that truth.” and if he gets distracted, he brings himself back to the CENTER- “RE-CENTER MYSELF”. At 11:20, He says he practices this at least 3x a week. Then @ 15m CB promotes Lectio 365 app – a product of the heretical Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton – Home of the European ‘laughing revival”. See:

Lectio 365” is a Contemplative ‘Lectio Divina’ app for cellphones that is affiliated with the heretical Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton, previously mentioned. It is essentially repetitively using a word or a line of scripture as a meditational focal point to ‘silence’ the active mind and contact what is purported to be the God of the bible. This practice is factually a form of divination, expressly forbidden in God’s word, as it can bring one into contact with demonic spirits.

Then, in the podcast – at 17:36, Char says – “If we are looking for a true encounter with God, we are going to find it in following the way (alleged practices) of Jesus – BEING OPEN TO THE WAY the Holy Spirit will interject and present Himself to us in those moments of THE ANCIENT (Catholic monastic) PRACTICES.”

As seen in the above image, in this podcast, Char is regularly practicing and is openly promoting the practice of mystical (occultic) meditation, disguised as “solitude” or “silence“, or as “Spiritual Formation” or “spiritual disciplines“, etc. NOTE that the books referenced above, by M. R. Mulholland and Dallas Willard, are some of the prime material by two of the biggest “contemplative prayer” teachers.

NOTE: that the podcast interview of Char is on a page linked to the contemplative group “Youth For Christ” – See:

Char claims this practice is “intimacy” with God, and that we need this. But the True and Living God, who “inhabits His praises”, has us given us His Word, Prayer, worship and praise as what He intends for true intimacy with Him. Char claims that Jesus did this practice when he went to be alone at times, but scripture does not say he sat in alone in meditative silence. Only that he went to be alone – as in the garden of Gethsemane, to pray (WORDS) to The Father.

The above image gives a description of so-called “Christian Mediation” aka Contemplative prayer, that mirrors what Char Brodersen explains to his listeners in the above cited podcast.


…says an old proverb. And the Bible tells us: “Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character!” Both Brian and his son Char frequently share posts about false teacher Dan Kimball. Kimball literally wrote the book on “The Emerging Church”. He is also a contemplative promoter – particularly the practice of “Lectio Divina”.

See: – And see:

Also NOTE: that just like in my previous post on the issues with Char and his bad associations – Char’s recent social media posts reflect the same affinity for Contemplative and Emergent teachers. Dallas Willard is probably the top proponent of mystical contemplative practices.


There is NO Biblical precedent for the practice of Contemplative prayer! The Bible tells us: Matt. 14:23 – “And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself TO PRAY. Now when evening came, He was alone there.” John 6:15 – “…He departed again to the mountain by Himself ALONE.” And in Luke 9:28 – “Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray.”

The usual “proof text” : Psalm 46:10 – Be still,H7503and knowH3045 thatH3588 IH595 am God:H430 I will be exaltedH7311 among the heathen,H1471 I will be exaltedH7311 in the earth.H776.” <-> This verse means to CEASE striving and rest in God’s faithfulness and sovereignty. Yes, Jesus got alone – in solitude TO PRAY! Even as His model prayer instructs us in Matt. 6:6, “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have (in solitude) shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”

Praying” a word or line from a bible verse repetitively is known as “Lectio Divina” (“divine reading’), and is a well known contemplative practice. Jesus warns is, in Matt. 6:7, ”When you pray do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do.” >> NOTE that Occult meditation uses an object or a word(s) (‘Mantra/ Invocation’), the breath, etc. – anything to focus the mind on a single point, so that the active, reasoning mind may be arrested or stilled and the person put into a form of self-hypnosis or “Alpha-State”. This altered consciousness is what pagan priests, shamans and occultists of every stripe have used for thousands of years, to contact spirits or “the gods”. What is actually contacted in this state is not the voice of God, or some benign spirit(s), but what the bible calls “Seducing” or “Deceiving Spirits” – these are demonic being who will gladly masquerade as whatever is needed to deceive and seduce the victim.

Author Jeremy James writes: “Meditation, contemplation, and visualization are all man made techniques for inter-acting with the supernatural. They are not ordained by God. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that the use of any technique for this purpose is divination or sorcery. The Plan Satan is implementing is designed to trick professing Christians into putting something else – a supernatural alternative – in place of repentant prayer to our Father and patient study of his Holy Word. The substitute that he offers, while seemingly full of promise, is a cunning counterfeit. One misguided church after another is taking the bait and introducing divination – in the form of meditation, contemplation, and visualization – in order to ‘communicate’ with God and ‘experience’ his presence. The bait may look good, but is laced with poison.”

The Apostle Paul warned: “Now the Spirit expressly says, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils!” – 1 Tim. 4:1 <-> And again in 2Cor. 11:3-4  Paul warns, “But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it!”

The end time apostasy is upon us [2 Thes. 2:9-11], and it is indeed now warranted to warn all believers (and anyone looking for a good bible teaching church) about what is happening at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 16:17 – “Now I urge you, brethren, MARK those who cause divisions and offenses, that are contrary to the doctrine which you learned, AND AVOID THEM.” This warning also applies to the online teaching coming from this church.

Now, it is probably only a matter of time before the Calvary Bible Colleges, and the other educational institutions run by Brodersen’s CGN are corrupted with unholy ecumenism and mystical contemplative influences. As I was saved at Calvary Costa Mesa over 30 years ago, it greatly grieves this author to have felt it necessary to warn God’s kids so strongly – but warn I must! Please, I implore you to test everything against God’s Word, to see if it is is truly of The Lord.

We need, especially now days, to be like the Bereans, who, “…received the (preached) word with all readiness, but searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” – Acts 17:11; And, taking to heart the exhortation: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God…” – 1 Jn. 4:1; The time is short my friends – Trust in God’s WORD and not in spiritual experiences. “Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him” – Psalm 30:5!

Together 2022 – ‘Jesus People Revival’ or False Unity?

Tomorrow, June 24th, kicks off 2 days of the counterfeit “Jesus People Revival” of “Together 2022” – organized by Nick hall and his group “Pulse“, which brought us the ecumenical “Together 2016” event. See my 2016 article:

While the 2016 event featured a large Catholic contingent, this year Hall is keep such obvious ecumenical aberrations under wraps. However, his featured speakers are Dallas Jenkins – creator of the ecumenical “Chosen” film series; Alongside NAR apologist Francis Chan, NAR false apostle Sammy Rodriguez and Hillsong hireling Christine Caine, etc. > See

Together’s website states: “Together 2022 will be 2 days of training and activation …It will be a showing of true unity – 1,000 organizations from many streams of the Body of Christ.”

The term “Activation” is associated with a hyper-charismatic “spiritual” experience, wherein the person is infused with spiritual “energy”. As we have seen, such so-called activations in churches such as Bethel Redding – the experience resembles the dangerous occultic energy of Kundalini Yoga. See video of : ‘Bill Johnson of Bethel Redding and his Demonic Impartations

Francis Chan has so compromised the faith, that he can be safely called a false teacher. See: Francis Chan Endorses the Apostate NAR Movement

In their Lighthouse Trails article: “Together 2022” Joins Doctrinally Mixed-Up Nick Hall, Dallas Jenkins, and Francis Chan While “Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity”. See Lighthouse Trails points out:

“Neo-evangelical leaders, such as some of the names mentioned in this article, are trying to bring about revival through unity. But a revival not based on truth will not be a revival from God as we previously stated: Today, a growing number of Christian leaders are holding public events calling for national repentance and church revival. With Christians deeply concerned about the state of our nation, it is understandable that repentance and revival would be on the hearts of many in the church. But sadly and alarmingly many of the figures who are calling for revival today have been promoting false and dangerous teachings, and we must ask the question, how can those involved with serious false teachings lead the way to true revival without first repenting themselves of those false teachings?”

NOTE the sponsors of the event include the NAR affiliated groups “Awaken The Dawn” and YWAM, along with the aberrant group CRU.

Awaken The Dawn‘ is exposed in Marsh West’s article: – And YWAM is exposed in the EW article:

And, sadly, again we see some of the top names in contemporary Christian music playing warm-up for the line up of false teachers – which as we have noted, only serves to legitimatize the false teachers.


Modern mega-churches are actually multi-million dollar businesses. In most cases, run very similar to other big businesses. When you build a ‘mega-church’, you also inevitably build a costly mega infra-structure that must be maintained. Everything from the air conditioning and other utilities, to paid staff, a team of lawyers, insurers, etc. Many of these churches have board akin to a board of directors that consult with the legal team and ‘advise’ the staff, and the pastor.

Frequently, anything that might reflect negatively on the ‘brand’ is either quashed or just left un-addressed, so as to preserve the positive public perception. Thus to publicly admit problems, or ‘mistakes’, etc. is a no-no, as it might tarnish ‘the brand’. And so, it becomes increasingly difficult for mega-church pastors to correct problems, and/ or admit mistakes such as fraternizing with false teachers. They are likely ‘advised’ not to even respond.

In the modern ‘mega-church’, the focus often changes from pastoring the sheep The Lord has entrusted them with – to protecting the business, it’s property and it’s income. And, then we have seen many come in who’s only real interest is in harvesting followers and their money to build their own kingdoms.

In this corporate ‘Christianity’ [what I have referred to the ‘New Evangelical Order’ or NEO] – To help keep things ‘in check’, as in the corporate world, interlocking directorates are sometimes used. We have seen this with, as an example, Chuck Fromm [Maranatha Music] is another, a wealthy ‘advisor’ and investor – sitting on church boards and using his influence (Worship Leader Magazine and their conferences) – to guide ‘Christian’ music into the new age of contemplative ‘worship’. Greg Laurie is another – sitting on multiple church boards and hobnobbing with various celebrities.

Then we have those like Rick Warren and his multi ‘campus’ franchises, and ‘churches like Bill Hybels Willow Creek and it’s affiliates, which has conducted hostile takeovers of indebted churches.

Hybels has written: “Un-churched people today are the ultimate CONSUMERS. We may not like it, but for every sermon we preach, they’re asking, “Am I interested in that subject or not?” If they aren’t, it doesn’t matter how effective our delivery is, they’re minds will check out.” [Mastering Contemporary Preaching pg. 27]

Then there is the mega-money ‘Christian’ Conference conundrum – with prices ranging from $50. to $200 per person, bringing in $100K to millions. Then add the ‘conference materials, t-shirts, wrist bands, decals and more… quite a lucrative business. Again, follow the money. The NAR linked teachers are the masters of this big money racket. Hillsong, Bethel Redding and friends rake in millions yearly from their conferences.

A friend has done videos exposing the CONference racket:

Catalyst Conference at Mariner’s Church, Irvine –

Rick Warren and “Exponential’–F4EeAjPI8

Louie Giglio’s ‘Passion’

The Heretical Convergence and “Jesus Conference”

Christian Conferences – Entertainment and Deception

ALL of this is small time compared to the billion dollar “Christian Music” industry. Fact is, contemporary ‘Christian’ culture has so melded with the world, it’s fashions and idol worship, it’s sometimes hard to tell if it’s truly Christian at all.

Remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:24 – “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” – “Therefore “Come out from among them and be separate, says The Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you.” – 2Cor. 6:17

Calvary Chapel Pastors Endorsing NAR Dominionist False “Revival” ?

The heretical New Apostolic Reformation – NAR-postles are co-opting patriotic Christians and churches into ecumenical groups to promote their own false doctrine and make tons of money.

As I stated in previous articles, we certainly do need for Christians to get involved in government and in culture, etc. But NOWHERE in the Bible does it indicate that we are to take over (get “dominion” over) the country (or the planet) in order to set up Christ’s Kingdom so that then He is able to return. This is the hidden unbiblical agenda of the NAR and those who hold to Dominion Theology.

However, this ‘Patriotic Revival’, like other noble causes, is being exploited by unscrupulous false teachers, who are using this to draw away followers, enrich themselves and promote their false doctrines. There is no valid justification for partnering with false teachers in any format, at any venue, however “noble” it seems. The effect, unintended or otherwise, is to legitimatize the false teachers before the public.

The Covid lockdowns have significantly reduced the number of those attending churches, and this negatively affects church incomes. Unfortunately, MANY pastors are being lured into unbiblical ecumenical alliances. The biblical warnings about fraternizing with false teachers are swept aside. Getting on the “Revival” dominionist bandwagon of “Reclaiming America” become appealing as it draws in the crowds and naturally, their money… follow the money.

Rather than join in public crusades with false teachers, the Bible explicitly says that Christians, including pastors, are to “MARK those who cause divisions and offenses, CONTRARY TO the doctrine which you learned, AND AVOID THEM. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.” – Romans 16:17-18

It should be noted: Calvary Chapel Chino Hills pastor Hibbs has ignored repeated warnings about his associations with well known false teachers. Now we have seen other CC pastors getting involved with false teachers. A friend of mine sent a certified letter to John Randall, which was received, and apparently ignored, as he went ahead and spoke at the ecumenical “Freedom Revival” event in San Diego 1/8/22.

A email warning was sent to pastor Mike McClure (CC San Jose) regarding his slated participation in the upcoming “Pastor Town Hall” video Conference [2/3/22]- – which features NAR kingpin Che Ahn. There has been no response to the email. CC pastor Rob McCoy (Calvary Godspeak) was also warned regarding his associations with NAR/ dominionist Che Ahn at the Jan. 8th “Freedom Revival” event. Again, there has been no response.

The issues with Jack Hibbs seems to have started with his association with Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA. While Kirk has many valid and important points, his affinity with Dominion Theology is questionable. As Hibbs is at the forefront of the CC guys involvement – the following is a timeline of his compromises:

1] Dec. 5, 2019 – Hibbs hosts Charlie Kirk – who revealed his connection to dominion theologists at the 2020 CPAC speech, where he declared, “Finally we have a president that understands THE SEVEN MOUNTAINS of cultural influence.” [See: @13.30 min.] [The “7 Mountain Mandate” is a doctrine of the NAR/ dominionists. See]

2] Jan. 5, 2020 – Participated in the Ecumenical “Evangelicals For Trump” event, which brought together well known evangelical pastors with Word-Faith and NAR linked false teachers.

3] Jan 20, 2020 CC pastors Hibbs and McCoy speak at the “California Renewal Project” in Anaheim, CA., alongside NAR apostate Che Ahn.

4] Feb. 2020 – Hibbs hosts Charlie Kirk & Rob McCoy…

5] July 22, 2020 – Promotes NAR linked “Saturate” event, which features Bethel Redding’s Sean Feucht.

6] Aug 15, 2020 – Hibbs Live streams nationwide with dangerous Word Faith teacher James Robison…

7] Oct. 11, 2020 – Hibbs hosts “Freedom Sunday” with NAR false apostle Che Ahn – See (@ 35 min.)

8] Nov. 17, 2021 – Hibbs plays scene from the Mormon linked movie “The Chosen”. (@4.25min.)

9] Jan. 29, 2022 – Hibbs “Love Life” Conference with Bethel Redding guy Michael Seifert > $50 a person!

Other popular CC pastors that have joined the “Revive America” crusade include Rob McCoy (CC Godspeak), Mike McClure (CC San Jose) and John Randall (CC So. OC). On Jan. 8, 2022 – ‘Freedom Revival’ – CC pastors John Randall & Rob McCoy sharing a podium with NAR people Che Ahn & Michael Seifert > (+ see my previous article)

Micheal Seifert comes out of Bethel Redding’s NAR linked School of Supernatural Ministry, and was on staff at their ranch for a time. Here is a pic of him being “knighted” by Bethel leaders Bill Johnson and Chris Vallotton. In his Instagram post he exclaims: “Today I got the amazing honor of being blessed, commissioned and knighted by the two fathers of Bethel…” (see image below)

And now we have the upcoming (Feb. 3rd) live stream event of (as mentioned above) the “Pastors Town Hall”. A prime example of this NAR/ Dominionist infiltration into mainstream evangelism – This is a monthly video conference featuring CC pastor Mike McClure and NAR-postle Che Ahn. Amongst the affiliated organizations is “Revive California” – which is nothing but a front for Che Ahn, Bill Johnson & their NAR friends.

One might wonder why the CC pastors involving themselves in these events don’t at least use disclaimers – stating that they are not theologically aligned with these false teachers, etc. Without at least some form of disclaimer, these events could likely cause many to assume the dangerous false teachers involved are orthodox, and biblically sound – and thus be emboldened to become followers of these wolves.

God Word warns us of those who “…want to pervert the gospel of Christ. Even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach ANY OTHER gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.” – Galatians 1:7-9

Again, I remind the reader of the seriousness of dealing with false teachers: “WHOEVER transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ DOES NOT have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If ANYONE comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, DO NOT receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.” – 2John. 1:9-11

Please PRAY for the Calvary Chapel movement and for these CC pastors – that associations with false teachers would be ended and the CC movement would return to their first love – God’s Word!

See the previous articles: And:

Addendum: This article is not intended as any kind of a “broad brush” of all Calvary Chapel pastors. There are still many solid CC guys who haven’t departed from Pastor Chuck’s foundationals, nor succumbed to the pitfalls of money and popularity. However, as has been extensively documented on this blog the movement’s leadership has some very serious issues that still have not been addressed.

Freedom Revival and the NAR Leader Che Ahn

This post is 3rd in a recent series on the NAR connections to the upcoming event: Freedom Revival.

Aside from the many links on Che Ahn and his many heretical errors posted in my 1st article in the series, I came across an informative video: False Apostle Che Ahn of Harvest Rock Church Exposed:

Che Ahn is one of the prime speakers set to appear at the “Revival” set for Saturday 1/8/2022. Ahn is a dangerous false teacher and fake “apostle” and a leader of the heretical New Apostolic Reformation [NAR] movement – a movement that unfortunately increasingly positioning it’s people in the mainstream of “evangelical” Christianity. Unfortunately, the Calvary Chapel pastors involved are endorsing this by default.

In my web travels, I also just came across a crowdfunding page that created by “Revivalists“, and whose funds – now totaling over $31K – is said to be “received by Shaun Frederickson”. NO OTHER INFO is given on the page. WHO is Fredrickson, and what church/ group is he affiliated with?

* * * * * * *

UPDATE 1/7/22 6pm:

We just found out musicians from Bethel Redding and Hillsong will be providing LIVE music for this event. As the music, or so-called “worship” of a church reflects the theology of that church – and that both Bethel Redding [NAR] and Hillsong [Word Faith] essentially worship a different “Jesus” – this addition completes the picture of an event designed for maximum impact – i.e. popularity with the masses…

UPDATE: 8pm 1/8/22 – There was no live feed for the event I could find, though I scoured the web. There are a few Twitter clips: A friend attended the event for a brief time and informed me that there was professional camera crews filming. My guess is that the footage will be carefully edited for presentation to select audiences. We’ll have to wonder what was edited out…

Also, I was informed that CC pastor John Randall was sent a certified letter warning him about Che Ahn and the NAR connections of the event. The letter was received. Whether John still spoke at the event is presently unknown, as there was no live feed. If he did choose to still speak, he did so with knowledge of the dangers of the other speakers. Once again, please PRAY for John and for Rob McCoy and their flocks.

Freedom Revival – UPDATE

This is an update on the “Freedom Revival” which I posted on yesterday 1/5/22. The website posted the venue – San Diego’s Waterfront Park @1600 Pacific Coast Hwy. Times are 12 to 5pm. Also posted on the site is a list of 30 “vendors”. See:

I believe that the premise for the event is excellent and public demonstration against the government restrictions is sorely need. Still, however noble, this cause this event cannot be justified. Sadly, the organizers have taken as prime speakers, some of the most heretical false teachers and “apostles” on the planet.

Birds of a feather flock together…

For this reason, this event should not be endorsed: That the inclusion of these false teachers has the effect of legitimizing those false teachers, and thus stumbling not only believers, but unbelievers who may be encouraged to follow these heretics and their teachings.

The fact that the Calvary Chapel pastors and the event organizers apparently do not recognize (or refuse to acknowledge) the issues with the NAR speakers is witness to the mainstreaming of the movement within evangelical Christianity.

NAR Chieftains: C. Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson (Bethel Redding) and Che Ahn…

>>> Please PRAY for this event. PRAY for John Randall and Rob McCoy…

For more on the heretical NAR movement – The New Apostolic Reformation – see:

See also:

How dangerous are the NAR-postles? WATCH:

Freedom Revival : Harvest Of Deception

Under the banner of the seemingly noble cause of “Freedom” and “Unity”, once again, we see the unbiblical partnership of well known Calvary Chapel pastors with documented false teachers/ apostles. As I have pointed out before on this blog, such “unity” usually winds up legitimizing the false teachers, stumbling many of God’s people and deceiving unbelievers with unbiblical teachings.

A friend sent me the link to an upcoming event: Freedom Revival – which purports to be a group of conservatives and Christians standing against the infringements of freedoms by the Covid mandates.

SEE: Jan. 8th, 2022 is the date. The site says they will “Conclude the day with an unforgettable March For Freedom in downtown San Diego!”

In this “revival” are popular Calvary Chapel pastors John Randall – of the mega church Calvary South OC (formerly known as CC San Juan Capistrano) – along with Rob McCoy of Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks. Randall is host of the radio program “A Daily Walk“, and had been applauded for his stance against the direction of Brian Brodersen of the CC mothership in Costa Mesa. McCoy made a name for himself in the media for his stance against church lockdowns. Both men are extremely popular and now, very influential. However…

Prominent amongst the group of announced speakers is self-proclaimed “prophet” and leader of the New Apostolic Reformation [NAR] Che Ahn, leader of Harvest Rock Church. NOTE that Che Ahn has also made a name for himself through a federal lawsuit challenging the unconstitutional lockdown of churches.

The documentation of Ahn’s errors is very extensive :



3]‘apostles’-from-well-known-ministries/109?rq=Che Ahn



As quoted in the above article by Anthony Wade, Che Ahn in his own words:

“One of the moments during the Global Summit that was of particular importance was when my good friend and respected prophet, Chuck Pierce, said on the opening night of the conference: Up until now HIM (Harvest International Ministry) has been known for apostles, but HIM is going to be known for the harvest. This is significant, because I also shared a word during the conference that true revival includes the reformation of society. HIM will be moving forward in reformation as we move forward in bringing in the lost! There were other strategies for reformation shared by the speakers, such as Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau, Mark Chironna, Patricia King and more… Lance Wallnau brought clarity to our role as revivalists and reformers when he declared that, “revival is personal, but reformation is institutional.” And Bill Johnson imparted a word of wisdom for us as leaders and influencers, that all leadership has two basic functions: to protect and empower. We are empowered to rule so that we would protect and be released to serve so that we would empower people…” Che Ahn

“Apostle” Che Ahn is the International Chancellor and now – PRESIDENT of C. Peter Wagner’s Wagner University – essentially taking over after Mr. Wagner passed away in 2016. The “faculty” list of this “university” features the heretical Bethel Redding’s: Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, and Kris Vallottan. See: Wagner is a founding father of the NAR.

There is another “revival” speaker who also has extensive links to the NAR people: Jurgen Matthesius. Jurgen is a graduate of Hillsong Collage, and leader of Awaken Church in San Diego. The Harvest Revival site says that he has “led the charge” to “defy the tyrannical insanity” of the church lockdowns. Mr. Matthesuis’ NAR affiliations has been exposed in: Awaken Church was formerly known as C3 Church of San Diego – part of C3 Churches Global, chaired by NAR leader Phil Pringle and overseen by NAR “prophet” David McCracken. The article lists among Mathesuis’ associates: Bethel Redding‘s Bill Johnson; Dutch Sheets; Steven Furtick; Joel Osteen; Sean Bolz. .

Then there is Michael Seifert: Founder & CEO of Public Sq. – a marketing app to “connect freedom loving Americans to their local communities.” Michael’s Facebook reveals that he “Studied at Bethel [Redding] School of Supernatural Ministry“, and was even on staff at Bethel’s SOM ranch from Jan. 2019. Mr. Seifert has retweeted posts by Pope Francis, Joel Osteen, and Steven Furtick, to name a few. These things would indicate that Seifert is NAR affiliated and likely holds to Dominion Theology – as many NAR teachers do.

Dominion Theology, also known as the Seven Mountain Mandate, is an unbiblical movement that believes Christians have to take over the seven areas of secular culture in order to bring in God’s kingdom, so that then Christ can return. The seven areas are (roughly): The media, education, family, government, arts & entertainment and business. And, of course, the NAR “apostles” think they will be the leaders in this false kingdom. This is exemplified in this NAR article:

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We certainly do need Christians to stand up and defend their values and their freedoms. However, compromising God’s truth and legitimizing false teachers should never be done. The siren song of the false “unity” of the end-time apostasy – often cited – is in the misapplication of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21 – “That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” – As though this verse is legitimatizing uniting with false teachers of every stripe – so as to fulfill Jesus’ prayer and make the world believe! What a deception…

We are told in Romans 16:17-18 to *MARK and avoid all those who teach doctrines contrary to biblical truth – NOT to partner with them in any in any way, even in some so-called “revival”. The seriousness of compromising with false teachers is evident in the verse: “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this (biblical) doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds.” – 2 John 1:9-11

Aside from the aforementioned problems, this “Revival” appears to be a platform for promoting “Christian” political candidates and select “conservative” for profit “ministries”. Much about it is, and will likely be used to promote, covertly, the goals of the Dominion Theology proponents.

Once again I need to remind people of the Apostle Paul’s prophetic warnings in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 – “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie…”

Finally: “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the (biblical) traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – Stand up for God’s Word, and keep standing on His Truth. Don’t buy the lie of the false unity of the great apostasy. Time is short… Come quickly Lord Jesus…